clinical supervision
Patients recreate their problematic relationship patterns in the therapy situation with us. We are tasked to understand our inevitable participation in these dynamics and use this information constructively within the treatment. The consultative relationship is one where transference, countertransference, enactments and other "grist for the mill" can be explored in the service of overcoming therapists' clinical challenges.
Relevant Literature:
Psychoanalytic Diagnosis, Second Edition: Understanding Personality Structure in the Clinical Process - Nancy McWilliams
Good Goodbyes: Knowing How to End in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis - Jack & Kerry Kelly Novick
Fearful Symmetry: The Development and Treatment of Sadomasochism - Jack & Kerry Kelly Novick
Freedom to Choose: Two Systems of Self Regulation - Jack & Kerry Kelly Novick
A Clinical Introduction to Freud: Techniques for Everyday Practice - Bruce Fink
For work with children: