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working philosophy

Choosing a therapist is a deeply personal decision. As a psychodynamic therapist, I provide a space where someone suffering emotionally can find the words to tell their very private story.


With the knowledge that much of mental life is unconscious, I am guided by training and experience that facilitates the uncovering and understanding of myriad dynamics and problematic relationship patterns so that they, in the course of being repeated, can be worked through, understood, and ultimately, changed.


With children, play opens up an avenue through which we can access the inner world of the child and the issues which cause problems that neither parents or child can verbalize or repair.


Relevant Articles:


The Therapy Relationship in Psychodynamic Therapy vs CBT


This Is Talk Therapy


The Efficacy of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy




© Copyright 2017-2024 Austin Wilmot, M.S.W., L.C.S.W. - All Rights Reserved.

300 Hunter Avenue, Suite 125, St. Louis, MO 63124
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